The induction ceremony will take place in Cambridge on Saturday, October 10, 2015; a program will follow on Sunday morning, Octover 11.
The full list of new electees is available on the Academy website:
An exhibition of prints by famous mathematicianswith an introduction by David MumfordThursday, January 22, 20155:30 - 6:30 pmYale University Art Gallery lobbyPoster for The Art of the Equation
A master in algorithm who has advanced the frontiers of computational mathematics and engineering has been awarded the William Benter Prize in Applied Mathematics 2014 by City University of Hong Kong (CityU).
This fall, Roger Howe, Raphy Coifman and Yair Minsky will give Math Mornings lectures for the general public, on October 12 and 19, and November 23. See here for more information:
Hee Oh of Yale University will be awarded the 2015 AMS Ruth Lyttle Satter Prize at the Joint Mathematics Meetings in January in San Antonio, Texas. Oh is honored for her "fundamental contributions to the fields of dynamics on homogeneous spaces, discrete subgroups of Lie groups, and applications to number theory." - See more at: AMS Satter Prize
The SUMRY group will host a one day conference at Yale on Friday, July 25, 2014, bringing together research active undergraduates and their mentors from New England area colleges and universities.