Week of March 2, 2025
Geometry, Symmetry and Physics | Tetrahedral Symbol and Relative Langlands Duality | Griffin Wang - Institute for Advanced Study |
4:30pm -
KT 801
Geometry & Topology | Drilling veering triangulations and applications to pseudo-Anosov flows | Anna Parlak - University of California, Davis |
4:00pm -
KT 207
Applied Mathematics | Forbidden 0-1 Patterns and the Pach-Tardos Conjecture | Seth Pettie - University of Michigan |
4:00pm -
LOM 215
Analysis | Fisher information for the space-homogeneous Boltzmann equation | Cyril Imbert - | 4:00pm - |
Quantum Topology and Field Theory | Transparent SL_n-skeins | Francis Bonahon - USC and MSU |
4:30pm -
KT 801
Friday Morning Seminar | TBA |
10:00am -
KT 801
Lang Lecture | Multiple Dirichlet series and Nichols algebras | Will Sawin - Princeton |
3:00pm -
KT 205