Week of February 23, 2025
Group Actions and Dynamics | Angles between Oseledets spaces | Jairo Bochi - Penn State University |
4:00pm -
Geometry, Symmetry and Physics | Hall Structures, Intrinsic Donaldson–Thomas Theory, and Cohomology | Andrés Ibáñez Núñez - Columbia University |
4:30pm -
KT 801
Applied Mathematics | Geometric Manifold Learning | Ian Adelstein - Yale |
4:00pm -
LOM 215
TBA | Changjie Chen - Université de Montréal | 4:00pm - | |
Geometry & Topology | Morse theory on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces | Changjie Chen - CRM - Université de Montreal |
4:00pm -
KT 207
Analysis | Lieb-Thirring Inequalities: What we know and what we want to know | Frank Rupert - |
4:00pm -
Quantum Topology and Field Theory | Gluing cluster structures | Gus Schrader - Northwestern University |
4:30pm -
KT 801
Friday Morning Seminar | Symplectic forms on the space of circle patterns | Wai Yeung (Wayne) Lam - Université du Luxembourg |
10:00am -
KT 801
Algebra and Geometry lecture series | Vertex algebras and moduli of Higgs bundles II | Sam DeHority - Yale University | 3:00pm - |