Monday, January 30, 2023
Time | Items |
All day |
4:00pm |
01/30/2023 - 4:00pm I will discuss a rigidity problem for representations of discrete Zariski dense subrgoups, and a surprising role played by higher rank conformal measures of the associated self-joining group. Our approach recovers rigidity theorems of Sullivan, Tukia and Yue, as well as has found a new application to Anosv representations, in particular to Hitchin representations. (Based on joint work with Dongryul Kim) Location:
LOM 206
01/30/2023 - 4:30pm Gauged Linear Sigma Models (GLSM) are curve-counting theories of a critical locus of a function in a GIT quotient variety. The central part is played by a special matrix factorization on the moduli space of GLSM maps. GLSM invariants satisfy many remarkable properties, many of which are captured by the central charges, that are particular generating series of GLSM invariants that depend on matrix factorizations. In the talk, I will explain what these objects are and how to use central charges to prove symmetry and wall-crossing results for GLSM. Location:
LOM 214