Thursday, February 6, 2025
Time | Items |
All day |
4:00pm |
02/06/2025 - 4:00pm In 1957, Huang and Yang predicted an asymptotic formula for the ground state energy of a dilute Fermi gas in the thermodynamic limit. This formula highlights a remarkable universality, showing that the correlation energy depends solely on the interaction's scattering length. In this talk, I will present a rigorous proof of the Huang-Yang prediction, employing a bosonization approach that interprets suitable pairs of fermions as bosons. Location:
02/06/2025 - 4:30pm In this talk, I will explain my joint work with R. Abedin, in which we construct, for each Lie algebra g, a Hopf algebra and a spectral R-matrix satisfying quantum Yang-Baxter equation. This Hopf algebra is a quantization of the Lie bi-algebra structure on T^*g[t] defined by Yang’s r-matrix, and therefore we call it the Yangian of T^*g. The construction is based on the category of coherent sheaves on the equivariant affine grassmannian associated to the formal group of g, and is motivated by the study of the category of line defects in a 4 dimensional holomorphic-topological field theory. Zoom link: Location: