Student Tropical Algebraic Geometry Seminar 2014

May 7, 2014

The Yale Mathematics Department will host the inaugural edition of the Student Tropical Algebraic Geometry Seminar. The Student Tropical Algebraic Geometry Seminar is a conference about tropical geometry (broadly defined) and nearby areas. Our target participants are graduate students and early postdoctoral fellows. We hope that most participants will be able to give talks. Our primary objective is for everyone to learn about their colleagues' work, or the areas of research they are interested in. In general, an inherent difficulty in stimulating discussion between mathematicians seems to be that different researchers are accustomed to different approaches, and speak different languages. We aim to promote conversation between people that are fluent, for example, in weighted polyhedral complexes, tropicalization, as well as Berkovich skeleta. We would like to expose the participants to topics of recent research interest, such as the study of limit linear series on curves, moduli spaces, tropical intersection theory, connections to logarithmic geometry, connections to matroid theory, and many others. For more information seeĀ