Event time:
Thursday, October 31, 2019 - 4:00pm
DL 431
Ryan Alweiss
Speaker affiliation:
Princeton University
Event description:
An r-sunflower is a collection of r sets so that the intersection of any two are the same. Given a fixed constant r, how many sets of size w can we have so that no r of them form an r-sunflower? Erdos and Rado introduced this problem in 1960 and proved a bound of ww(1+o(1), and until recently the best known bound was still of this form. Furthermore, Erdos offered $1000 for a proof of a bound of cw, where c depends on r. We prove a bound of (logw)w(1+o(1)). Joint work with Shachar Lovett, Kewen Wu, and Jiapeng Zhang.
Research Area(s):