Quantum state transfer on graphs - using magnetic fields

Combinatorics Seminar
Event time: 
Thursday, February 28, 2019 - 4:00pm
DL 431
Gabor Lippner
Speaker affiliation: 
Northeastern University
Event description: 
Transmitting quantum information losslessly through a network of particles is an important problem in quantum computing. Mathematically this amounts to studying solutions of the discrete Schrödinger equation dϕ/dt=iHϕ, where H is typically the adjacency or Laplace matrix of the graph. This in turn leads to questions about subtle number-theoretic behavior of the eigenvalues of H.

It has proven to be difficult to find graphs which support such information transfer. I will talk about recent progress in understanding what happens when one is allowed to apply magnetic fields (that is, adding a diagonal matrix to H) to the system of particles.

Joint work with Mark Kempton and S-T Yau

Research Area(s):