Event time:
Thursday, September 27, 2018 - 8:00pm
DL 431
Jeff Kahn
Speaker affiliation:
Rutgers University
Event description:
Shamir’s Problem (circa 1980) asks: for fixed r≥3 and n a (large) multiple of r, how large should M be so that M random r-subsets of {1…n} are likely to include a perfect matching (that is, n/r disjoint r-sets)? About ten years ago Johansson, Vu and I proved the natural conjecture that this is true if M>Cnlnn, for some large C=Cr. Some listeners may have heard me speak some months ago on the asymptotically precise statement: the same behavior holds for any fixed C>1/r. Here we’ll discuss the definitive “hitting time” version.
Research Area(s):