Monodromy representations and arithmetic

Algebraic and Tropical Geometry
Event time: 
Thursday, October 11, 2018 - 4:15pm
LOM 214
Daniel Litt
Speaker affiliation: 
IAS/University of Georgia
Event description: 

Let X be a smooth curve over a finitely generated field k, and let be a prime different from the characteristic of k.  We analyze the dynamics of the Galois action on the deformation rings of mod representations of the geometric fundamental group of X.  Using this analysis, we prove analogues of the Shafarevich and Fontaine-Mazur finiteness conjectures for function fields over algebraically closed fields in arbitrary characteristic, and a weak variant of the Frey-Mazur conjecture for function fields in characteristic zero.  

For example, we show that if X is a normal, connected variety over C, the (typically infinite) set of representations of π1(Xan) into GLn(¯Q), which come from geometry, has no limit points.  As a corollary, we deduce that if L is a finite extension of Q, then the set of representations of π1(Xan) into GLn(L), which arise from geometry, is finite.