Graduate Faculty and Their Research

Jeffrey Brock, Ph.D., U.C. Berkeley 1997. Guggenheim Fellow, AMS Fellow. Dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science. Hyperbolic geometry, low dimensional topology, and applications.

Andrew Casson, Cambridge University, 1969. Royal Society Fellow. (Emeritus) Low-dimensional topology, four manifold theory, algebraic topology, hyperbolic geometry.

Ronald Coifman, Ph.D., Geneva, 1965. Philips Professor of Mathematics, National Academy of Sciences, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, National Medal of Science, Rolf Schock prize . Nonlinear analysis, Scattering theory, Real and complex analysis, Singular integrals, Numerical analysis, Harmonic analysis and Geometry in high dimension Data Analysis

Igor Frenkel, Ph.D., Yale, 1980. American Academy of Arts and Sciences and National Academy of Sciences. Infinite-dimensional algebras, representation theory, applications of Lie theory, mathematical physics.

Alexander Goncharov, Ph.D., (USSR) 1987. European Mathematical Society Prize. Arithmetic Algebraic Geometry: polylogarithms, zeta-functions, periods, Hodge theory, motives, motivic Galois groups, Quantum geometry of moduli spaces, Representation Theory and Mathematical Physics

Sebastian Hurtado - Salazar, Ph.D., University of California Berkeley, 2014. Dynamical systems and its applications to geometry and topology. Groups actions on manifolds. Discrete subgroups of Lie groups.
Ethan Cohen
Gal Yehuda - Website

Peter Jones, Ph.D., UCLA, 1978. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. National Academy of Sciences. Salem Prize. (Emeritus) Real, complex, and Fourier analysis, singular integrals, potential theory, dynamical systems.

Richard Kenyon, Ph.D., Princeton, 1990. Loeve Prize, Rollo Davidson Prize, American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Combinatorics, Discrete Geometry, Probability, Statistical Mechanics.
Michele Tienni
Srivasta (Sri) Tata
Christina Meng

Ivan Loseu, Ph.D., Moscow State University, 2007. Representation theory and its connections to Algebraic geometry, Geometric representation theory
Do Kien Hoang - Website
Mengwei Hu - Website
Trung Vu
Zachary Carlini

Gregory Margulis, Ph.D., Moscow, 1970. American Academy of Arts and Sciences. National Academy of Sciences. Fields Medal. Abel Prize. (Emeritus) Lie group theory, ergodic theory, number theory, network theory, and dynamics.

Yair Minsky, Ph.D., Princeton University, 1989. Kleinian groups, Teichmuller theory, geometric group theory, holomorphic dynamics, differential geometry.
Sung Jin Park
Anna Antal - Website
Junzhi Huang - Website
Youheng Yao - Website

Vincent Moncrief, Ph.D., Maryland, 1972. Relativity, mathematical physics.

Andrew Neitzke, Ph.D., Harvard, 2005. Supersymmetric quantum field theory, string theory, enumerative geometry, hyperkahler geometry
Danny Nackan - Website
Sam Panitch - Website

Hee Oh, Ph.D., Yale, 1997. Satter Prize. Homogeneous dynamics, discrete subgroups of Lie groups, Kleinian groups, hyperbolic geometry, and the resulting applications of number theory.
Dongryul Kim - Website
Amy Wang

Vladimir Rokhlin, Ph.D., Rice, 1983. National Academy of Sciences. Numerical scattering theory, elliptic partial differential equations, numerical solution of integral equations.

Wilhelm Schlag, Ph.D., Caltech 1996. Philips Professor of Mathematics Spectral Theory, Partial differential evolution equations, harmonic analysis
Xie Mengyi
Yutong Wu - Website

John Schotland, M.D., Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1996 Inverse problems, scattering theory, waves in random media, quantum optics.

Junliang Shen, Ph.D., ETH Zurich 2018. Algebraic geometry and its connections to topology, enumerative geometry, and mathematical physics.
Weite Pi - Website
Soumik Ghosh
David Bai - Website
David Fang

Charles Smart, Ph.D., UC Berkeley 2010. Analysis, Mathematical Physics, and Probability.
Reuben Drogin
Ari Lerman
Nhung Pham

Van Vu, Ph.D., Yale, 1998. Polya Prize. Fulkerson Prize. Combinatorics, probability, additive number theory, data science.
Linh Tran
Phuc Tran

Lu Wang, Ph.D., MIT, 2011. Geometric analysis

Gregg Zuckerman, Ph.D., Princeton, 1975. (Emeritus) Representation theory, applications of Lie theory, mathematical physics.

Sam Raskin, Ph.D., Harvard, 2014. Algebra, Langlands duality, geometric representation theory, algebraic geometry, and homotopy theory.
Joakim Faergeman
Misha Goltsblat
Minghan Sun - Website