
April 21, 2013

April: In the week of April 23 to 27, the conference
Automorphic Forms:  L-functions, and Related Geometry
will review the work of I. I. Piatetski-Shapiro, focussing on automorphic forms and the applications of L-functions.
May:  In the week of May 12 to 17, the conference
Perspectives in Representation Theory
will survey recent advances in representation theory and its applications to physics, with special attention to the many seminal ideas advanced by Igor Frenkel.
June:  From June 4 to 6, the conference
Challenges in Geometry, Analysis and Computation:  High-Dimensional Synthesis
will examine the state of the art in applying ideas from harmonic and other areas of analysis, especially those of the triumvirs
Raphy Coifman, Vladimir Rokhlin and Peter Jones, to problems stemming from physics and the data deluge.
For further information, please go to "Meetings and Conferences".
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