Yale’s registration for the 2018 Putnam exam is now open. Any Yale undergraduate is welcome to take the exam (provided they have not already taken it four times), and interested students must register via the following form:
Putnam exam registration form: https://goo.gl/forms/WraNnaQL19760VIz2
Registering for the Putnam is required for students taking math 199, although any Yale student can take the exam (without taking math 199). Last year, Yale did historically well, and we hope students will come out in even greater numbers this year. Note that taking the exam is free, and students can take the exam casually without any concern of their score “harming” Yale’s performance.
The Putnam exam will take place on Saturday December 1, 2018 in LOM.
Those wishing to practice for the exam are welcome to attend the weekly sessions for math 199 (registration not required), which meets Tuesdays 6:30pm-8pm in LOM.
Interested students are also encouraged to sign up for the Virginia Tech Regional Math Competition (VTRMC), which is on Saturday October 27. This is a shorter exam, and it is excellent practice for those wishing to do well on the Putnam. Registration for VTRMC is available here:
VTRMC registration form: https://goo.gl/forms/MAs9uIVtZFUEVfql2
For any questions regarding either of these exams, Yale’s past performance, or the Putnam seminar (math 199), contact Professor Pat Devlin (patrick . devlin [at etc])