Week of October 17, 2021

October 18, 2021
Geometry, Symmetry and Physics Derived Satake equivalence for Godement-Jacquet monoids Jonathan Wang - Perimeter Institute 4:30pm -
October 19, 2021
Geometry & Topology On the Weil-Petersson gradient flow of renormalized volume on a Bers slice Franco Vargas Pallete - Yale University 4:15pm -
LOM 214
Algebra and Number Theory Seminar Generic Langlands Functoriality Conjecture for SO*(2n) in positive characteristic Héctor del Castillo - Universidad de Santiago de Chile 4:30pm -
October 20, 2021
Applied Mathematics Probabilistic Variable Selection Ofir Lindenbaum - Bar-Ilan 2:30pm -
October 21, 2021
Analysis Localization and Cantor spectrum for quasiperiodic discrete Schrödinger operators with asymmetric, smooth, cosine-like sampling functions Yakir Forman - Yale University 2:15pm -
October 22, 2021
Geometric Analysis and Application Rotational symmetry of ancient solutions of Ricci flow in higher dimensions Keaton Naff - MIT 2:00pm -