Time frequency analysis below $L^2$ using iterated outer measure spaces

Applied Mathematics
Event time: 
Tuesday, March 1, 2016 - 11:15am to 12:15pm
AKW 200
Gennady Uraltsev
Speaker affiliation: 
University of Bonn
Event description: 

In the seminal 2013 paper $Lp$ theory for outer measures and two themes of Lennart Carleson united Do and Thiele introduced function spaces that gave intuitive sense to the complicated combinatorial arguments arising in time frequency analysis, in particular when proving boundedness of the Bilinear Hilbert Transform and of the (variational) Carleson Operator. However outer $L^p$ techniques broke down below $L^2$ while the above operators were shown by other means to be bounded. Thanks to an insight from a recent work of Di Plinio and Ou we formulate iterated time/time-frequency outer $L^p$ space theorems that provide a direct proof of the boundedness of BHT in the complete Banach triangle and of the (variational) Carleson avoiding indirect methods like interpolation between restricted weak type estimates typical of previous works.