“Supertropical algebras”

Algebra and Lie Groups
Event time: 
Wednesday, April 22, 2009 - 10:45am to 12:00pm
Louis Rowen
Speaker affiliation: 
Bar Ilan Univrsity, Ramat Gan, Israel
Event description: 

(Joint work with Z. Itzhakian) The goal of this research is to introduce an algebraic structure that can support an algebraic underpinning for the beautiful theory that has been developed in tropical geometry, much along the same way that classical commutative algebra provides the foundations for algebraic geometry.

Specifically, we study varieties as collections of roots of polynomials, and linear transformations in terms of matrices. In this talk, we describe the systematic development of polynomials and their roots and
properties of matrices, yielding direct analogs of many of the classical results of commutative algebra and linear algebra.