The stack of local systems with restricted variation and the passage from geometric to classical Langlands

Geometry, Symmetry and Physics
Event time: 
Monday, October 5, 2020 - 4:30pm
Location: (password was emailed by Ivan on 9/11, also available from Ivan by email)
Dennis Gaitsgory
Speaker affiliation: 
Harvard University
Event description: 
In the talk we will describe some recent advances in the 
geometric Langlands theory. We will introduce a new geometric
object–the stack of local systems with restricted variation and
show how it allows to formulate a version of the geometric 
Langlands conjecture in any sheaf theory, in particular for
l-adic sheaves. We will then explain a procedure, given by
categorical trace, that allows that directly connect the *category*
of automorphic sheaves with the *space* of automorphic functions.