Robust mechanisms for chaos, I: Geometry and the birth of stable ergodicity

Hahn Lecture Series
Event time: 
Tuesday, December 15, 2015 - 11:30am to 12:30pm
215 LOM
Amie Wilkinson
Speaker affiliation: 
University of Chicago
Event description: 

The first general, robust mechanism for ergodicity was developed by E. Hopf in the 1930’s in the context of Riemannian geometry. Loosely put, Hopf showed that for a negatively curved, compact surface, the “typical infinite geodesic fills the manifold in a very uniform way, a property called equidistribution. I will discuss Hopf’s basic idea in both topological and measure-theoretic settings and how it has developed into a widely applicable mechanism for chaotic behavior in smooth dynamics.

Special note: 
*Note location time change