Prime congruences and Krull dimension for additively idempotent semirings

Algebraic and Tropical Geometry
Event time: 
Thursday, February 23, 2017 - 11:30am to 12:30pm
431 DL
Kalina Mincheva
Speaker affiliation: 
Yale University
Event description: 

We propose a definition for prime congruences which allows us to define Krull dimension of a semiring as the length of the longest chain of prime congruences. We give a complete description of prime congruences in the polynomial and Laurent polynomial semirings over the tropical semifield $\mathbb{R}_{\max}$, the semifield $\mathbb{Z}_{\max}$ and the Boolean semifield $\mathbb{B}$. We show that the dimension of the polynomial and Laurent polynomial semiring over these idempotent semifields is equal to the number of variables plus the dimension of the ground semifield. We extend this result to all additively idempotent semirings. We relate this notion of Krull dimension to dimension of tropical varieties.