Let p be a fixed prime. A k-cycle in Fnp is an ordered k-tuple of points that sum to zero; we also call a 3-cycle a triangle. Let N=pn, (the size of Fnp). Green proved an arithmetic removal lemma which says that for every k, ϵ>0 and prime p, there is a δ>0 such that if we have a collection of k sets in Fnp, and the number of k-cycles in their cross product is at most a δ fraction of all possible k-cycles in Fnp, then we can delete ϵN elements from the sets and remove all k-cycles. This is closely related to the graph removal lemma, which essentially says that if a graph G has few copies of a fixed subgraph H, then we can remove a small number of edges from G and get rid of all copies of H. Green posed the problem of improving the quantitative bounds on the arithmetic triangle removal lemma, and, in particular, asked whether a polynomial bound holds. Despite considerable attention, prior to our work, the best known bound for any k, due to Fox, showed that 1/δ can be taken to be an exponential tower of twos of height logarithmic in 1/ϵ (for a fixed k).
In this talk, we will discuss recent work on Green’s problem. For triangles, we prove an essentially tight bound for Green’s arithmetic triangle removal lemma in Fnp, using the recent breakthroughs with the polynomial method. For k-cycles, we also prove a polynomial bound. We also prove a lower bound on the exponent by proving a lower bound on the k-multicolored sum-free problem. However, the question of the optimal exponent is still open.
The triangle case is joint work with Jacob Fox, the k-cycle case with Jacob Fox and Lisa Sauermann, and the lower bound for general k with Lisa Sauermann.