On the number of generators of a lattice.

Group Actions and Dynamics
Event time: 
Tuesday, October 21, 2008 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm
431 DL
Tsachik Gelander
Speaker affiliation: 
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Event description: 

I will explain the following:

Let G be a semisimle Lie group without compact facors. There is a constant C=C(G) such that for any lattice L in G we have d(L) < C Vol(G/L)where d(L) is the minimal size of a generating set of L.

This in particular implies that d(L) is finite (which is well known but in general nontrivial). It also implies the classical Kazhdan–Margulis theorem, which states that there is a positive lower bound on the covolume of lattices, indeed d(L)> 2 implies vol(G/L)>2/C. It also gives bounds on the first Betti number. In a recent joint work with Belolipetsky, Lubotzky and Shalev we made use of this theorem to get estimates on the asymptotic growth of the number of arithmetic groups.
(This theorem was known before for torsion-free lattices, and is now known in general.)

Special note: 
Special day