LP decomposition of abstract Besov norms in terms of band-limited functions

Applied Mathematics
Event time: 
Thursday, January 23, 2014 - 11:00am to 12:00pm
AKW 400
Azita Mayeli
Speaker affiliation: 
City University of New York, QCC
Event description: 

Abstract Besov spaces were introduced by Butzer and Berens ‘67 in terms of modulus of
continuity. In this talk I will discuss these spaces for any given Hilbert space in terms of the
Littlewood-Paley (LP) decomposition and “smooth band-limited functions”. I will start by
introducing band-limited functions for abstract Hilbert spaces with respect to any self- adjoint
positive definite operator. Then I show how to obtain a discrete version of Calderon reproducing
formula for the Hilbert space, and the Littlewood-Paley decomposition of abstract Besov norms in
terms of band-limited functions.

Special note: 
*Non-standard Meeting Time/Date/Place*