Hausdorff dimension estimates for bounded orbits on homogeneous spaces of Lie groups

Group Actions and Dynamics
Event time: 
Wednesday, April 16, 2014 - 10:45am to 11:45am
214 LOM
Dmitry Kleinbock
Speaker affiliation: 
Brandeis University
Event description: 

This work is motivated by studying badly approximable vectors, that is, $\bf x\in{\bf R}^n$ such that
$\vert q\bf x - {\bf p}\vert\ge c q^{-1/n}$ for all ${\bf p}\in {\bf Z}^n$, $q\in {\bf Z}$. Computing the Hausdorff dimension of the set of such $\bold x$ for fixed $c$ is an open problem. I will present some estimates, based on the interpretation of a badly approximable vector via a trajectory on the space of lattices, and then use exponential mixing to estimate from above the dimension of points whose trajectories stay in a fixed compact set.