Global rigidity of abelian Anosov algebraic actions

Group Actions and Dynamics
Event time: 
Tuesday, April 23, 2013 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm
206 LOM
Zhiren Wang
Speaker affiliation: 
Yale Univ
Event description: 

As part of a more general conjecture, it was asked if all smooth Anosov $Z^r$-actions without rank-1 factor on tori and nilmanifolds are, up to smooth conjugacy, actions by automorphisms. Recently, Fisher, Kalinin and Spatzier showed this holds under the extra assumption that the action has at least one Anosov element in every Weyl chamber of the linearization action. We will verify that this assumption always holds, hence fully establish the statement above. This is a joint work with Federico Rodriguez Hertz.

Special note: 
Non-standard meeting time/place