Extremal problems for uniformly dense hypergraphs

Combinatorics Seminar
Event time: 
Thursday, March 30, 2017 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm
215 LOM
M. Schacht
Speaker affiliation: 
Event description: 

Extremal problems for hypergraphs concern the maximum
density of large hypergraphs H that do not contain
a copy of a given hypergraph F. Estimating the so-called
Tur’an-densities is a central problem in combinatorics.
However, despite a lot of effort precise estimates
are only known for very few hypergraphs~F.
We consider a variation of the problem, where the large
hypergraphs~H satisfy additional hereditary density conditions.
We present recent progress based on joint work with Reiher and
R\odl. In particular, we established a computer-free proof
of a recent result of Glebov, Kr{’a}l’, and Volec on the Tur’an-density
of the 3-uniform hypergraph with three edges on four vertices
for hypergraphs that are hereditarily dense on large vertex sets.