The effectiveness of Borel–Laplace summability for Lefschetz thimble integrals

Geometry, Symmetry and Physics
Event time: 
Tuesday, October 31, 2023 - 3:00pm
KT 801
Veronica Fantini
Speaker affiliation: 
Event description: 

Abstract: Borel--Laplace summation is a classical summability method that associates an analytic function to a divergent power series. Divergent power series often appear in mathematics and physics: solving ODEs with irregular singularities, computing asymptotics, computing perturbative expansions in QFT, in complex Chern--Simons, etc. One special feature of the Borel--Laplace sum is that it works well for integrals over Lefschetz thimbles (thimble integrals). Indeed, the Borel--Laplace sum of the asymptotics of a thimble integral is the thimble integral itself. This is part of a joint project with A. Fenyes.

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