Deformation Theory of Hyperbolic Manifolds

Graduate Student Seminar
Event time: 
Friday, November 4, 2011 - 9:00am to 10:00am
Tarik Aougab
Speaker affiliation: 
Yale University
Event description: 

If $M$ is a complete hyperbolic manifold, how does the topology of $M$ determine whether or not the hyperbolic structure on M can be deformed? The purpose of
this talk is to try and address this question in various situations where different assumptions are placed on $M$. We will start with $2$ dimensions (hyperbolic surfaces) and briefly discuss Teichmueller space. Then we’ll move
on to $3$ dimensions and talk about Mostow-Prasad rigidity. Finally, we’ll discuss an example of an infinite volume hyperbolic $4$-orbifold whose holonomy
representation is infinitesimally rigid. The example is based on the $120$-cell, the $4$-dimensional analog of the dodecahedron, embedded in hyperbolic $4$-space. This is joint work with P. Storm.