On the geometric Ramanujan conjecture

Geometry, Symmetry and Physics
Event time: 
Monday, December 6, 2021 - 4:30pm
Dario Beraldo
Speaker affiliation: 
University College London
Event description: 

Abstract: After discussing the notion of temperedness arising in the geometric Langlands program, I’ll sketch a proof of a version of the Ramanujan conjecture in that setting. Essential ingredients for the definition and the proof are the derived Satake equivalence and the Deligne-Lusztig (or Alvis-Curtis) duality functors. I will then explain the role of the Ramanujan conjecture in the geometric Langlands program for the group SL_2.

Zoom link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/99305994163, contact the organizers (Gurbir Dhillon and Junliang Shen) for the passcode.