Quantum decorated character stacks from fully extended TFT

Geometry, Symmetry and Physics
Event time: 
Monday, October 26, 2020 - 4:30pm
https://yale.zoom.us/j/99433355937 (password was emailed by Ivan on 9/11, also available from Ivan by email)
David Jordan
Speaker affiliation: 
University of Edinburgh
Event description: 

 I will begin with a relaxed overview of a number of recent
works putting character stacks and their quantizations in the framework
of fully extended 4-dimensional topological field theory – related to
Kapustin–Witten and Ben-Zvi–Nadler’s approaches to geometric
Langlands.  I’ll explain how the fully extended approach unifies three
celebrated appearance of quantum character varieties in quantum
topology.  In particular, I’ll explain forthcoming work with Ian Le, Gus
Schrader and Sasha Shapiro, to realize Fock and Goncharov’s
quantizations via quantum cluster algebras, as a subcategory of one we
construct using TFT techniques.