Algorithmic Bias Control in Deep learning

Applied Mathematics
Event time: 
Monday, October 26, 2020 - 2:30pm
Daniel Soudry
Speaker affiliation: 
Event description: 

Abstract: Significant research efforts are being invested in improving Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) training efficiency, i.e. the amount of time, data, and resources required to train these models. For example, changing the model (e.g., architecture, numerical precision) or the training algorithm (e.g., parallelization). However, such modifications often cause an unexplained degradation in the generalization performance of the DNN to unseen data. Recent findings suggest that this degradation is caused by changes to the hidden algorithmic bias of the training algorithm and model. This bias determines which solution is selected from all solutions which fit the data. I will discuss a few examples in which we can understand and control such algorithmic bias.

Bio: Daniel is an assistant professor and in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the Technion, working in the areas of machine learning and theoretical neuroscience. He did his post-doc (as a Gruss Lipper fellow) working with Prof. Liam Paninski in the Department of Statistics and the Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at Columbia University. He is interested in all aspects of neural networks and deep learning. His recent works focus on quantization, resource efficiency, and implicit bias in neural networks.