Title | Seminar | Date | Location | Speaker |
TBA | Friday Mornings | Feb 14 (Fri), 10:00 |
KT 801
Some Computations with Representations of Finite Chevalley Groups in Equal Characteristic | Geometry, Symmetry and Physics | Feb 17 (Mon), 16:30 |
KT 801
Roman Bezrukavnikov - Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
TBA | Geometry & Topology | Feb 18 (Tue), 16:00 |
KT 207
Thomas Ng - Brandeis University |
A generalized Legendre duality relation and Gaussian saturation | Analysis | Feb 20 (Thu), 16:00 |
Shohei Nakamura - Osaka University |
TBA | Quantum Topology and Field Theory | Feb 20 (Thu), 16:30 |
KT 801
Daniel Douglas - Virginia Tech |
TBA | Friday Mornings | Feb 21 (Fri), 10:00 |
KT 801
Haihan Wu - John Hopkins |
TBA | Group Actions and Dynamics | Feb 24 (Mon), 16:00 |
Jairo Bochi - Penn State University |
TBA | Geometry, Symmetry and Physics | Feb 24 (Mon), 16:30 |
KT 801
Andrés Ibáñez Núñez - Columbia University |
Geometric Manifold Learning | Applied Mathematics | Feb 25 (Tue), 16:00 |
LOM 215
Ian Adelstein - Yale |
TBA | Geometry & Topology | Feb 25 (Tue), 16:00 | Changjie Chen - Université de Montréal | |
TBA | Quantum Topology and Field Theory | Feb 27 (Thu), 16:30 |
KT 801
Gus Schrader - Northwestern University |
TBA | Friday Morning Seminar | Feb 28 (Fri), 10:00 |
KT 801
Wai Yeung (Wayne) Lam - Université du Luxembourg |
TBA | Geometry, Symmetry and Physics | Mar 3 (Mon), 16:30 |
KT 801
Griffin Wang - Institute for Advanced Study |
TBA | Geometry & Topology | Mar 4 (Tue), 16:00 |
KT 207
Anna Parlak - University of California, Davis |
TBA | Analysis | Mar 6 (Thu), 16:00 | Cyril Imbert - | |
TBA | Quantum Topology and Field Theory | Mar 6 (Thu), 16:30 |
KT 801
Francis Bonahon - Michigan State University |
TBA | Friday Morning Seminar | Mar 7 (Fri), 10:00 |
KT 801
TBA | Friday Morning Seminar | Mar 21 (Fri), 10:00 |
KT 801
TBA | Group Actions and Dynamics | Mar 24 (Mon), 16:00 |
Wooyeon Kim - ETH, Zurich |
TBA | Geometry, Symmetry and Physics | Mar 24 (Mon), 16:30 |
KT 801
Tomoyuki Arakawa - RIMS/Kyoto University |